Friday, March 5, 2010

We Need to Be Artists

This series of posts are reflections from the Art of Marketing conference. This one is based on Seth Godin's session:

Art gets noticed because art, by its existence, is different from what is normal. People crave creativity and when they find art they like, they share it. That makes you, the creator of the art, more indispensable and your career more secure. You become a leader.

However, in a non-profit environment, job security is not the top of the list - the message is. Are we artists in communicating our message? Will it arise from the humdrum of the million other messages out there? Will we lead out with our message?

Action points for the team I am on:
  1. Have a crystal clear message we want to communicate
  2. What are we doing that is following a manual or tradition? Identify it and scrap it.
  3. Discover a way to communicate the message that is easily shared
  4. Allow an environment where ideas can be acted upon without instruction by empowering others to lead
What do you need to do to create art where you are at?


  1. To clarify, only scrap tradition if it stifles creativity. My experience is that tradition forces people to toe the line without any discussion. Perhaps it is better to put tradition on the back-burner and then revisit once the creativity is allowed to come out.

  2. I really like point 4 - I think that especially let's technical people do art.
